Lucid Dreams V2 reflects the company’s vision of bringing adult entertainment to virtual reality. The demo starts with a log-in interface, to be followed by a welcoming platform that will take the user to the main “hall” – a room where nude models are posing at different angles. Because of its positional tracking abilities, the user can manipulate the view of the room using keyboard controls, as well as to move the models’ position in any direction the user prefers to. The demo is shown at full HD resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels, assisted by the Rift’s ultra-low-latency rendering. Although this beta is of high definition, models are stationary – they are not moving in any way, which can reduce the immersion and the sense of presence. Luckily, Veiviev is working on making a demo with animated models.
Installation Manual
1. Unzip
2. Install
3. Run
Lucid Dreams V2 reflects the company’s vision of bringing adult entertainment to virtual reality. The demo starts with a log-in interface, to be followed by a welcoming platform that will take the user to the main “hall” – a room where nude models are posing at different angles. Because of its positional tracking abilities, the user can manipulate the view of the room using keyboard controls, as well as to move the models’ position in any direction the user prefers to. The demo is shown at full HD resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels, assisted by the Rift’s ultra-low-latency rendering. Although this beta is of high definition, models are stationary – they are not moving in any way, which can reduce the immersion and the sense of presence. Luckily, Veiviev is working on making a demo with animated models.
Installation Manual
1. Unzip
2. Install
3. Run